Name of the project: MOGA (Small community for big results)
Contracting authority: Agency of social support Operating program “Development of human resources” 2007-2013
Producedure for grant: BG051PO001-5.1.01 „Social enterpreneurship – popularisation and support of social enterprises pilot phase”
General goal: Creation of better conditions for work and art expression, improving the standard and quality of life to prevent social isolation of the target groups.
Spacific goals:
– To implement and develop innovative approaches towards protected work and social inclusion of the people with intellectual difficulties and/or many disabilities.
– To popularise the work and art capabilities of the people with intellectual difficulties.
– To develop strategy for reaching sustainability of the social enterprise and for creation of options for self-funding of its activity.
The project plans to include 28 children and people with intellectual difficulties and/or many disabilities which are target group of NGO “Chance”. 8 of them are expected to be children between 8 and 14 years, and the rest 20 – over 18 years old. Its planned 4 single mothers of children with disabilities to be included, too. Because of the level of development and lack of education they are permanently unemployed.
The choice of this target group and it`s split by age are not random. NGO “Chance” has dedicated it`s whole activity in service, help and development of potential of the people with intellectual disabilities. Their condition creates significant difficulties in education and understanding because of the slow intellectual developmentl. Usually the capabilities of communication are affected, which include the active and passive vocabulary, reading, writing, math, and very often the motor activity is also affected. With some of them, lack of social accepted behaviour is observed. Those people, similarly to the people with disabilities in general, need social contacts, environment in which they feel understood, secured and loved by the teams working with them. In general we can conclude that the people with intellectual difficulties have needs very similar to the needs of the other people.
Duration of the project and plan of execution:
– Duration of the project – 12 months
– Planned start of the project execution – September 2009
– Planned end of the project execution – August 2010
Beginning March 2010 – end – February – 2011
Effect on the target groups:
Through the development of the activity of the social enterprise – protected workshop for producing ceramic art, souvenirs, jewelery, etc. in which people with intellectual difficulties will be employed, daily center for adults with intellectual difficulties “Blyan”, users of the center of social rehabilitation and integration in the town of Razlog and other representastives of vulnerable social groups, suggested in the project, to this group of society will be given opportunity to reach better social integration and after realisation of production and sales by the already working social enterprise the community can secure additional funds, which will improve their standard of life, which is one of their main problems.
The goal if the development of the social enterprise is to ensure conditions for activities of the target groups, which will produce items of applied arts with commercial goal, from which sales income will be generated and reinvested into equipment, materials, better conditions of work, wider asortment, development of new skills in the target groups, and also will be applied into the other social enterprises of NGO “Chance” which offer social services. The incomes coming from the activities of the target groups will also have social effect – those people will get the lacking by the moment attention by the public, which will start to perceive them as capable in certain field, so as more equal than now.